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Discusión:A Cristo crucificado (Anónimo)

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(Redirigido desde «Discusión:A Cristo crucificado»)

Tenía la idea de que este soneto fue escrito por Santa Teresa de Jesús o que al menos se le atribuye la autoría...

Santa Teresa de Ávila

Modern American English Translation by Jose Leo O S


Translation by: Jose Leo O S

I am not moved, my God, to love You

by the heaven that You have promised me

and I am not moved either by hell so feared

as the reason to stop offending You.

You move me, my Lord, it moves me to see You

nailed to a cross and your flesh destroyed,

what moves me is to see your body so injured,

what moves me is your suffering and your death

What moves me, finally, is your love, and in such way,

that even if there was no heaven, I would love You,

and even if there was no hell, I would fear You.

You don't have to give me for me to love You,

so even if what I hope for, I did not hope,

the same that I love You, I would love You.

Lectura del soneto


La he puesto aqui, con una pequeña variacion de texto :,_mi_Dios,_para_quererte.ogg No se como añadir el enlace.