Autor:Orson Pratt
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Orson Pratt (19 de septiembre de 1811 – 3 de octubre de 1881) Matemático, historiador y religioso estadounidense. |
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[editar]- Matrimonio Celestial (Parte 1), The Seer, Ene. 1853.
- Matrimonio Celestial (Parte 2), The Seer, Feb. 1853.
- Matrimonio Celestial (Parte 3), The Seer, Mar. 1853.
- Matrimonio Celestial (Parte 4), The Seer, Abr. 1853.
- Matrimonio Celestial (Parte 5), The Seer, May. 1853.
- Matrimonio Celestial (Parte 6), The Seer, Jun. 1853.
- Matrimonio Celestial (Parte 7), The Seer, Jul. 1853.
- Matrimonio Celestial (Parte 8), The Seer, Aug. 1853.
[editar]Letter to Oliver Cowdery from Orson Pratt (Feb. 16, 1835), publicada en Latter Day Saints' Messenger and Advocate, Vol. 1, No. 6.