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Página:The three bears.djvu/17

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The Story of the Three Bears. 3 But no one she saw, so she got into bed It was surly old Bruin's, and well stuffed with lead. Mammy Muffs next she tried ; it was stuffed with round stones, So she got into Tiny-cub's and rested her bones. G-oldenhair was asleep when the three bears came in. Said Big Bruin, " I'm hungry to eat, let's begin " WHO HAS BEEN TO MY PORRIDGE ?" he roared with such might ; His voice was like wind down the chimney at night. "Wno HAS BEEN TO MY PORRIDGE?" growled out Mrs. B ; Her voice was like cats fighting up in a tree. "WHO HAS BEEN TO MY PORRIDGE AND EATEN IT ALL?' Young Tiny-cub said, in a voice very small, " WHO HAS BEEN SITTING IN MY GREAT ARM CHAIR ?" In voice like a thunder-storm, roared the big bear " WHO HAS BEEN SITTING IN MY GOOD ARM CHAIR ? Growled out Mammy Muff, like a sow in despair. "WHO HAS SAT IN MY NICE CHAIR, AND BROKEN IT DOWN?" Young Tiny-cub said, and so fierce was his frown, That his mother with pride to his father said, " There ! See our pet Tiny-cub can look just like a bear," So roaring, and growling, and frowning, the bears. One after the other, came running up-stairs. " WHO HAS BEEN UPON MY BED ?" old Bruin roared out, In a voice just like rain down a large water-spout. " WHO HAS BEEN UPON MY BED ?" growled out Mammy Muff, In a voice like her husband's, but not quite so rough.