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Página:120 años de la Biblioteca del Congreso Nacional de Chile.djvu/97

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Biblioteca del Congreso Nacional de Chile — 97

-Presentations and participations.

Background information is gathered and provided to parlamentaries in support for their interventions in Seminars and Conferences, as we as for their speeches.

-Press Dossiers. Press clippings related to issues of current legislative interest are selected and sent to parlamentaries, upon request, together.


The Library has 14 updated databases of bibliographic, legislative and georeferenced data, among others, available to parlamentaries and the community at large.

-Integrated System ot Territorial Information.

The Library maintains an integrated system of territorial information to provide in-depth knowledge on the regions, municipalities and congressional districts of the country. The system empowers users to create statistical reports and cartographíc visualizations, with graphic displays of data housed in a database of more than 1,200 data types provided by official sources.

-Bill tracking.

The bill tracking system is coordinated by both the Senate and the House. It offers the history of a bill as well as the documents of the projects that are in the legislative process. The information available on the system is input by staff of the Senate and the House of Representatives.

-Legislative Assistant.

This tool complements the Legislative information System that allows for the recovery of available bibliographic titles, press articles, international laws, comparative law resources, expert opinion, studies, briefing notes, and reports related to the main bill passing through Congress.

-Interactive Help.

This service provides responses to requests made by email regarding legislation, bills in Congress, publications, Web site content, and advice on how to search for information.

-On line International Treaties.

Full text official versions of international treaties celebrated by Chile, both bilateral and multilateral, from 1814 to date, are available. The official sources for this information are the Gazette of Laws and Decrees of the Government of Chile, from 1810, the Official Gazette of the Republic of Chile and Annual Report of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Chile.

-Parlamentaries biographies.

In order lo conserve the political-legislative memory of our country and promote the identity of the National Congress, biographical summaries are maintained for all who have been